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O&G Online Course
O&G welcoming session
Slides for O&G Welcoming Session
Introduction (17:00)
PAC: Presenting your case (17:48)
LR: Writing postnatal review (22:49)
Ward: writing antenatal review (20:54)
Plotting partogram (13:35)
Presenting partogram (8:17)
1. Demonstration videos
1.1 Abdominal examination in Obstetric (8:46)
1.2 Vaginal examination (11:11)
1.3 Conducting SVD; things you need & step by step guide (6:04)
1.5 Conducting SVD; Full demonstration (6:06)
2. Common Cases & HO Role in O&G
Slides for Common Cases & HO Role in O&G
2.1 Introduction to the course (8:10)
2.2 Welcome to O&G: Department Layout (8:55)
2.3 PAC, LR, OT (Common cases & HO role) (18:31)
2.4 Postnatal & Antenatal Ward (Common cases & HO role) (10:03)
2.5 HDU LR, Gynae ward (Common cases & HO role) (14:36)
3. Clerking & Presenting Obstetric Cases
Slides for Clerking & Presenting in Obstetric
3.1 Obstetric Clerking; Format (9:06)
3.2 Describing Chief Complaint - Part 1 (23:32)
3.3 Describing Chief Complaint - Part 2 (10:35)
3.4 Associated Complaint & Problem List (8:26)
3.5 ANC (antenatal checkup) History (15:04)
3.6 Gynae, Past Obstetric, PMHx, Social History (4:33)
3.7 Physical Examination (6:40)
3.8 Formulating Plan of Management (VenOMMS formula) (9:50)
3.9 Presenting Obstetric Case (USSA formula) (6:55)
4. Labour & IOL (induction of labor)
Slides for Labour & PROM vs PPROM
4.1 Physiology of Labour (20:52)
4.2 PROM vs PPROM (23:55)
Slides for IOL
4.3 IOL (Induction of Labour) (20:50)
5. Partogram
Slides for Partogram
5.1 Partogram - part 1 (18:31)
5.2 Partogram - part 2 (13:06)
6. First Stage of Labour & CTG interpretation
Slides for 1st Stage of Labour
6.1 Management & Complication of 1st Stage (35:51)
Slides for CTG Interpretation
6.2 Indication for CTG monitoring (4:55)
6.3 External & internal CTG monitoring (6:02)
6.4 CTG interpretation; Baseline FHR & Variability (10:36)
6.5 CTG interpretation; Acceleration & Deceleration (9:14)
6.6 CTG; Consideration & Management of Abnormal CTG (10:40)
6.7 CTG Interpretation Practice (6:25)
7. Second Stage of Labour
Slides Management & Complication of 2nd Stage
7.1 Second Stage of Labour; Discussion (14:58)
7.2 Conducting SVD; Demonstration (14:02)
7.3 Shoulder Dystocia; Short white board teaching (11:47)
7.4. Complication of 2nd stage; Full slides teaching (4:37)
8. Third Stage of Labour
Slides Management & Complication of 3rd Stage
8.1 Third stage of labour; Definition & Management (6:37)
8.2 Active Management of 3rd Stage; Short white board teaching (9:40)
8.2 Delivery of Placenta by CCT; Demonstration (2:07)
8.3 PPH; Short white board teaching (15:47)
8.4 Primary & Secondary PPH; Full slides teaching (4:15)
8.5 PPH Management (13:32)
9. Instrumental Delivery; Forceps & Vacuum assisted delivery
Slides for Instrumental Delivery
9.1 Indication & prerequisites for instrumental delivery (2:32)
9.2 Forceps assisted delivery (5:31)
9.3 Vacuum assisted delivery (Kiwi cup) (3:59)
10. Hypertension in Pregnancy
Slides for Hypertension in Pregnancy
10.1 Definition & grading of severity (11:05)
10.2 Pathophysiology (8:11)
10.3 Risk factor (4:33)
10.4 Management; HO role & how to attend pregnant patient with high BP (17:51)
10.5 Physical examination, timing of delivery, investigation (12:12)
10.6 Pharmacological treatment (11:00)
10.7 Q&A; HO role in attending eclamptic patient, describing PIH in clerking notes, MgSO4 toxicity (14:14)
11. Diabetic in Pregnancy
Slides for Diabetic in Pregnancy
11.1 Definition, Pathophysiology, Complications (8:52)
11.2 Screening & how to diagnose GDM (7:07)
11.3 Treatment, Timing of delivery, Intrapartum management (7:31)
11.4 Investigation, Attending patient with high glucose, Postpartum Management, (6:06)
11.5 Q&A; Step ladder SBGM, Overt diabetic, Describing GDM in clerking notes (5:32)
6.6 CTG; Consideration & Management of Abnormal CTG
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